Candidate Dropout

The rise of candidate ghosting: A challenge for Startups and SMBs

In recent years, it's become increasingly common for job seekers to hold or commit to multiple job opportunities simultaneously. Often, at the last minute, these candidates either fail to show up for the job or send a last-minute email citing "due to some reason" as their excuse for backing out.

83% of employers have been ghosted by a candidate, says Human Resources Director America

There is a term defined in the hiring world: "candidate ghosting." This phenomenon not only disrupts business operations but also impacts the morale of hiring teams and other potential candidates who miss out on opportunities due to the initial commitment.

Impact on Startups and SMBs

Candidate ghosting hits startups and small to medium-sized businesses (SMBs) particularly hard. These businesses often rely heavily on a single hire to fulfill crucial roles, and when a candidate fails to show up, it can cause significant disruption.

Unlike larger corporations with extensive HR resources and backup plans, startups and SMBs usually operate with lean teams and tight schedules, making each hire critical to their operations. The sudden absence of a new hire can delay projects, overburden existing employees, and, in severe cases, stall business growth altogether.

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83% of employers have been ghosted by a candidate, says Human Resources Director America

Maria Hill – Marketing Manager

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